Sunday, 15 July 2007


How can a government disinform its people so much, that the people come to believe patriotism in other nations such as that held by American's in America, Australian's in Australia, Italian's in Italy and indeed most, if not every country in the known world is quite natural, healthy and acceptable, yet when it comes to Britain's being proud to be British that sort of behaviour is somehow racist?

As it stands at the moment, this is life in Britain. The people of Britain are willing to help almost anyone in the world who already has support from a government in place. Now whether a foreign government is going to assist its own people as it was elected to do, or hinder the people by it's own greed and corruption is initially up to that government. If the government does not rectify its conduct then it should be rapidly followed up by it's people to either do nothing and accept their oppression or to get a new government and imprison those of the former government who broke the law.

We are the only nation on earth where people are inclined to believe a government so corrupt and full of contempt for it's own people that it lied to take us to war, it arrests little old ladies who fail to pay their Council Taxes because they are unable to afford heating in winter, decent food and certainly not Council Taxes, while it allows rapists, drug addicts and murderers to walk free. Yet still some people continue to believe this government, and especially so when it comes to matters concerning the only legitimate political party who pose a threat to exposing their corruption and deceit..the British National Party, aka the BNP.

Perhaps you would care to read a list of Councillors and MP's from the big three...Labour, Lib-Dem and Conservative who seem to enjoy paedophilia, violence, rape and other activities which normal and decent people would find, to put it politely, extremely offensive conduct and unbecoming of anyone.

The UK is being flooded by illegal immigrant's and questionable asylum seekers on a scale that has never been witnessed before. Many immigrant's lack even a basic grasp of the English language and possess little in the way of skills needed to fill the occupations that we have shortages of skilled employee's in. Clearly this is unsustainable for such a small land mass as ourselves and with unemployment at such high levels is it really sensible to invite immigration of this kind and certainly on a scale which has been rejected by every other nation on earth, most of whom having vastly more land than ourselves? Walk around London, Birmingham and other centres populated by hideous numbers of immigrants and the likes...they have made these parts of England their home...the unfortunate thing here is that where an area is largely populated by Polish or Indian's then the area resembles Poland or India rather than England as many immigrants are unwilling to give up the ways of a country they left, presumably because they did not like it, yet they want to bring all their cultural differences here rather than attempt to embrace the cultures, tradition's and ways of their new nation...ours.

Britain is being systematically and rapidly raped of her resources, her land, financial wealth, culture, regional diversity, wildlife, her heritage, traditions and the legacy we would leave to our children. The British National Party stand for the protection of Britain and for putting Britons first. Then, once we have solved all our own problems, abolished poverty and homelessness in our own nation...then and only then will we be in a position to donate sufficient time, funds and resources to render assistance to those of other nations who are unable to govern and manage themselves. Take note though, I say "lend assistance", not "never-ending dependency". Some day those poor people in Africa who must endure a one mile walk to the well or river for water will discover out that they can in fact move one mile closer to the water supply or ask their own government for a pipeline...some day the AIDS epidemic endured across Africa will be halted as they learn how to behave responsibly as adults with deadly diseases.

Some day Britons will wake up and question their governments "why is it racist for me to love my own land, be straight and be proud". Meanwhile, below is the typical sort of childish, misguided and desperate attack levelled at someone who loves their country, is straight, proud, white and speaks the language. For some reason it is only members of the British National Party who are subjected to such ludicrous taunts that any intelligent and mature man or woman would leave behind in the schoolyard.

This was a comment made by myself in relation to a beach hut offered for sale...

Posted by: Glenn on 6:06pm Fri 13 Jul 07
I bid £100 and a crate of Guinness but certainly no higher than a bottle of Macallan single malt. I strongly suggest you accept, it's a dash good offer!

Below is the rather bizarre and offensive comment made by another on my single comment above.

Posted by: John, Poole on 11:44am Sat 14 Jul 07
I assume this is Glenn from BNP;I am sure he will give me correction if I am wrong! Please,please, therefore accept his offer,Kevvo, because we know Glenn's hero Adolf used his bunker to kill himself in.I can see Glenn appreciates a joke; otherwise I shall have to fight him on the beaches,etc!

This was the link to that story;

Yes John it just so happens I am from the BNP, why do you feel the need to ask this in a story so unrelated? I am afraid however that I must disappoint you in your quest for your friend called "Adolf", I don't know anyone named Adolf. Maybe you should check "
Friend's Reunited". From the sounds of you it would seem your hero must be the honest Tony Blair or David Cameron who told people to vote for Labour. If, by Adolf you were referring to Adolf Hitler however, Hitler was a nutcase, I know of not a single member of the BNP who reveres him at all. Tell me though John, why resort to a desperate and immature comment? After all, this is a story about a beach hut, not politics and certainly not Hitler and WWII. The British National Party are so named because we support Britain first in the here and now and future...not some insane, dead German dictator.


The Bournemouth Nationalist said...

Excellent posts so far Glenn, keep up the good work I'll be linking your blog to mine as soon as.

Incidentally you might like to visit Liars Buggers and Thieves as this is a continually updated version of the BNP article

Take care mate

Glenn Chappelle said...

Cheers Dave,
