Sunday, 8 July 2007

Be My Friend Or Else!

A Multicultural Education System in Meltdown

An interesting story made Telegraph back in May this year, yes I know it is now July but this is one of those government policies that is just to bizarre, poorly thought through and essentially in essence lacks substance to have any hope of achieving substantial, if indeed any success whatsoever.

Have you ever forced yourself on someone who just does not want anything to do with you? What kind of reaction is most commonly associated with this desperate kind of behaviour…you will inadvertently succeed in forcing them further away from you. What would you think if some creep approached you and said "be my friend or else".

Well Jim Knight, Minister for Schools has delivered a firm message to schools…"Promote race relations or close". Never mind whether schools are achieving academic excellence from their pupils…education in schooling is no longer of supreme importance.

Children from all socio-economic, ethnic and religious backgrounds will be forced to be friends whether they like each other not or risk forfeiting their school and education.

Imagine, little Johnny the atheist and his sister little Jane the Christian invite Jacob the Jew and his sister as well as Mohammed the Muslim his sister and friends over to their home for a party . Anyway, Jacob, Mohammed, their sisters and friends arrive without food and drinks as they were told not to bring any by Johnny as he was catering. There was no mention of a pool as Little Jane the Christian greets the guests wearing nothing but a skimpy bikini in contrast to Mohammed's sister and her friends who are all wearing full Burkhas. They manage to make it to the pool out in the backyard, Mohammed is tossed a beer(let's face it, kids seem to drink more than adults at parties, legal or not) and Johnny shouts from the suckler pig slowly turning on a spit "How much pork for you guys?" It doesn't take a genius of social engineering to figure out the most likely outcome in this scenario.

Friendship should be based upon a mutual understanding, shared interests and compatible personalities. Friendships based purely on people being completely different in culture, completely different in what is socially acceptable, skin colour, race etc are condemned to fail before they are even conceived more often than not…and if they have been forced, the result will be hatred and resentment of the kind that never before existed under separatism. Racism doesn't enter into the equation. Logic dominates discrimination pure and simple. Discrimination is the free selection of that which is most suitable and agreeable with the selector and task for which it is required to fulfil based upon wisdom and experience. We are however being forced to regard discrimination as a bad thing thanks to political correctness.

So back to the schools, apparently the Commission for Racial Equality, has alleged in a statement that schools where pupils forge healthy friendships based upon freedom of choice, mutual understandings and common interests are "a ticking time bomb waiting to explode". Now I don't know, maybe it is because I am the product of a Public School education, but back in my school days we didn't have a problem…kid's who were smart went to our school, kids who were dumb were sent to a school for underachievers and constant troublemakers were either expelled or expelled after a healthy lesson from our good friend "Corporal Punishment". If someone was different we did what kids do best…we teased the living hell out of them or left them for the school bullies to deal with. If they shed their awkward differences then they faced being accepted and often struck up friendships. Nobody stabbed anyone, there were no guns, no metal detectors. Schools are a time bomb today because of multiculturalism which has been subjected to increased tensions recently due to economic migration rather than immigration by people who want to adopt Britain, her language and ways as theirs.

The Telegraph makes the following ambiguous statement, "But ministers are concerned some schools are still being monopolised by single racial or religious groups, acting as a breeding ground for extremism." Which racial and religious groups are being singled out here though? Are they claiming there are to many Britons in British schools, to many Christians in Christian schools and not enough Muslims in Catholic schools? Doesn't that Ministerial statement fly in direct contradiction to the very policy they seek to implement…or should we be discourage our children from forming friendships with peers of their own skin colour, ethnic origin, culture…etc, etc, etc.

"I hate all your ideas, I think you're a fool, your religion is offensive to me, you hate me because of the colour of my skin, we have absolutely nothing in common...let's be friends, not because we want to...but because I am ordering you to like me and I am ordered to like my friend or else!" What an utterly mind numbingly stupid concept!

You may view the original Telegraph article at;

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