Thursday, 5 July 2007

The Impartial Dorset Press

I have often found that our local press, The Echo in bournemouth/Poole/Christchurch etc is not keen on seeing people agreeing with the British National Party. Indeed our local press are so impartial and unbiased that during the run-up to the 2007 elections the local Echo ran positive stories on the Tories and Lib-Dem's and published an anti-BNP advertisement that was sponsored and paid for by the Labour party under the guise of a separate group, Unison, due to the fact that the Labour Party are so underhanded and unpopular that this would have backfired had the people been aware of the source. Here is the advertisement on the left and here is the link,

Labour continued it's desperate attempt to deceive voters by distributing the following leaflet unashamedly with Labour Party literature.

Here is the link to the UAF, a Labour funded organisation dedicated to destroying the BNP.

And here is a Labour Party admission by Angela Smith, Labour minister and Basildon and East Thurrock MP

Why are these people so afraid of the BNP that they must broadcast messages of hatred aimed at the BNP and cling to outdated reports of a BNP of 20 years ago rather than the BNP of today?

Now comes a very good reason as to why the local BNP is unable to get much in the way of press coverage and received negligible coverage during the elections in Dorset with the Echo whose editor is Neal Butterworth. Look at the names of the speakers on this page about Local Government. Pay special attention to the first three names and the seventh name. They are none other than the following;

  • The Rt. Hon John Prescott MP, Deputy Prime Minister
  • The Rt. Hon Iain Duncan Smith MP, Leader of the Conservative Party
  • The Rt. Hon Charles Kennedy MP, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Party

...and finally, a representative from the impartial and non-political press...a man with no particular political allegiences...Dorset's very own;

  • Neal Butterworth, Editor, Bournemouth Daily Echo.

Oddly enough the topic on which Neal Butterworth was speaking was;
1.40pm – 2.30pm Perceptions and Realities - does the media give local authorities a fair press?
Andrew Rawnsley, political columnist and broadcaster
Neal Butterworth, Editor, Bournemouth Daily Echo
Councillor Paul Bettison, Leader Bracknell Forest Borough Council

You can see this at the following link;

Neal also appears in the following publication from Bournemouth Council promoting "
Yet he is selective in what residents say in his paper and is not keep on readers showing any support to the BNP as already stated.

Anyway, I cannot claim to know Neal personally, and for all I know he may be a decent, although rather misguided and hypocritical human being. The point of this article has not been to bash Neal...the point is to demonstrate the links between the government and the press that ensure the British National Party does not enjoy the freedom of the press.

If you would like to learn more about the British National Party or join up then please view the BNP website at

or telephone the BNP on 0870 7576267

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